Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that tends to affect a woman’s hormone levels. Women with PCOS might produce higher than normal amounts of male hormones. This hormone imbalance causes them to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to become pregnant. PCOS also causes hair growth on the face and body and baldness. And it might also contribute to long-term health problems like diabetes and heart disease. Contraception pills and diabetes drugs can sometimes help fix the hormone imbalance and improve symptoms, acting as the best remedies.

PCOS affects a woman’s ovaries, the reproductive organs that produce estrogen and progesterone which are the hormones that regulate the cycle. The ovaries also produce a little amount of male hormones called androgens.The ovaries release eggs to be fertilized by a man’s sperm. The discharge of an egg on a monthly basis is known as ovulation. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) control ovulation. FSH stimulates the ovary to provide a follicle, a sac that contains an egg then LH triggers the ovary to release a mature egg.

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Doctors don’t know exactly what causes PCOS. They believe that prime levels of male hormones prevent the ovaries from producing hormones and eggs normally. PCOS could also be a “syndrome,” or group of symptoms that affects the ovaries and ovulation. Its three main features are:

In PCOS, many small fluid-filled sacs may grow inside the ovaries. The word “polycystic” means “many cysts.” These sacs are actually follicles, all containing an immature egg. The eggs never mature enough to trigger ovulation. The shortage of ovulation alters levels of estrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH. Estrogen and progesterone levels are usual, while androgen levels are higher. Extra male hormones disrupt the cycle, so women with PCOS get fewer periods than usual.A few causes may include,


Some women start seeing symptoms around the time of their period. Others only discover they have PCOS after they’ve gained plenty of weight or they’ve had trouble getting pregnant. The most common PCOS symptoms are:


Doctors typically diagnose PCOS in women who have a minimum of two of these three symptoms

Your doctor might also ask whether you’ve had symptoms like acne, hair growth and weight gain.

A pelvic exam can look for any problems along side your ovaries or other parts of your reproductive tract. During this test, your doctor would insert gloved fingers into your vagina and check for any growths in your ovaries or uterus

Blood tests help to analyze higher than normal levels of male hormones. You could possibly even have to get blood tests to ascertain your cholesterol, insulin and triglyceride levels to gauge your risk for related conditions like heart disease and diabetes. An ultrasound uses sound waves to look for abnormal follicles and other problems alongside your ovaries and uterus. All this is done in order to provide the best treatments and therapies that offer remedy and provide relief.

Seek medical attention if:

If you are diagnosed with PCOS, plan regular visits with your doctor. You’ll need regular tests to ascertain for diabetes, BP and other possible complications.


Birth control pills and other medicines can help regulate the cycle and treat PCOS symptoms like hair growth and acne.

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In order to find out the best treatment for PCOS, some recent research was done and has shown that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of irregular periods. This suggests that acupuncture could be an alternative treatment for PCOS. Another study compared standard Western medications for PCOS with TCM acupuncture treatments. This study found that the difference in symptoms after 4 and 12 weeks was almost the same between these two groups, showing that acupuncture can be just as effective in the treatment of PCOS as the standard prescribed medications and could be an alternative treatment for menstrual problems. Compared with a control group, patients receiving traditional acupuncture experienced significant improvement on a visual analogue scale after treatments. It also implies that acupuncture could be the best therapy for PCOS.


People use acupuncture since it is one of the best remedies that help to treat a variety of menstrual problems. Acupuncture is said to have some advantages over antihistamines and helps in providing treatments without surgery as well. The benefits of Acupuncture are immediate relief from symptoms, reduced chances of recurrence.



Acupuncture is a traditional therapy that supports the thought of energetics within the body and it is considered to be the permanent treatment to cure PCOS, sometimes it could help by avoiding surgeries as well.

There are acupuncture points for PCOS between spleen and kidney, which can help bring relief from PCOS. One set of points is located right in the center between kidney and liver meridians. This helps to restore focus and calms your mind. There are other acupuncture points that respond well to self-massage, according to the philosophy of acupuncture and Oriental medicine. To help relieve pressure from PCOS, try gently but firmly pressing the points located on your lower back, to get relief from menstrual cramps.

This point is called Yintang and is revered by many acupuncturists and Oriental medicine practitioners for its ability to induce calmness and send energy or Qi in a downward direction; therefore, massaging Yintang is particularly helpful to provide relief from pain due to PCOS, that potentially give rise to other symptoms of menstrual problems.


Before acupuncture is used as a relief for PCOS, it is essential to understand the severity of symptoms. This would help the practitioner to know how acupuncture for PCOS would work out for you and determine the best method of treatment. In general, acupuncture is believed to provide treatment for PCOS by stimulating the nervous system and causes the release of neurochemical messenger molecules. It provides remedy using the biochemical changes that tend to influence the body's homeostatic mechanisms, hence promoting physical and emotional well-being. The best treatment to relieve pain caused by menstrual issues is by stimulating certain acupuncture points that affect areas of the brain and reduce sensitivity to pain. It is considered as the best surgery alternative to cure PCOS.



Looking for a best remedy to treat PCOS in Chennai, here’s why you should reach out to the best Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath from Dr.Bharath’s Acu Heal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As a certified acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience, with vast knowledge on Obstetrics and gynaecology and having worked with several endocrinologists and gynaecologists, Dr.Bharat has seen Acupuncture doing wonders on people suffering from PCOS. The effectiveness rate increases several times just with one course of Acupuncture and it can help alleviate the symptoms, reduce pain and increase the rate of pregnancy, helping patients get back to their normal routine, by evaluating your condition and offering appropriate and permanent treatment. Most of the people swear by acupuncture, citing it as a ‘miracle’ to improving their quality of life, that focuses on treating PCOS, which allows you to live a hassle free healthy life.

Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details on treating PCOS using Acupuncture, by contacting the top acupuncture clinic in Chennai.


It is surprising to know that PCOS treatment without surgery is very much possible depending on the stage of the condition. Most people can treat the problem with home care and medicines but the better option for immediate results for non surgical treatment for PCOS is acupuncture.

Acupuncture helps the patients to have a permanent cure, preventing more infections caused due to surgery. To be sure that surgery is a good choice, you need to have a blood test or imaging tests in order to diagnose if there is any underlying condition instead of PCOS. This test will be done after you have followed what's called "maximum medical treatment" for 4 to 6 weeks. This means that you take medicines and follow home treatment to reduce pain, infection and swelling. That helps your doctor see what's causing this condition. Due to some of the below complications, people opt for treatment for PCOS without surgery


To choose the Best doctor for Acupuncture, it's important that the Acupuncturist should have a decade of experience and treated at least 1000 to 2000 patients.

You can also search for the Best Acupuncture Doctor near me or ask your primary care physician to refer an experienced Acupuncturist nearby. Once you find the Best Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai, you may go through their google reviews first and then fix an appointment with the doctor only when you are satisfied with the reviews.

The Best Acupuncture Doctor should address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable before your first session. Acupuncture usually takes numerous sessions or several weeks to get a complete cure in any ailment but within 3 or 4 sessions the patients will experience positive differences.


Owing to the demand for the treatment, there are numerous clinics popping up and it is sometimes skeptical to choose the best or even the safe one. To address such concerns, you can look into the following points to choose the best acupuncture clinic for PCOS. Acupuncture is also offered in hospital pain clinics and by healthcare organizations but it is ideal to visit the best Acupuncture Clinic for PCOS. If you are not sure, it would be a good idea to contact your local doctor to see if they would be prepared to refer you to the best rated acupuncture clinics. For example in cases where a patient specifically requests acupuncture for PCOS, or where it is felt that acupuncture would complement conventional treatment. In some cases acupuncture is offered in top rated acupuncture clinics near me because conventional treatment has failed or produces unacceptable side effects. Most of the best acupuncture clinics for PCOS will spell out very clearly

So while you are filtering the best clinics for acupuncture that treats PCOS, you can look out for the above factors.

We have been rewarded a 5-star rating from Google & Practo. You can also check the reviews there.


If you have PCOS and looking to try alternative treatments, acupuncture may be worth a shot. Just make sure you see a licensed acupuncturist and keep up with any prescribed PCOS treatments.


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What are the services provided for PCOS by Dr. Bharath’s Acu Heal?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that tends to affect a woman’s hormone levels. Women with PCOS might produce higher than normal amounts of male hormones. This hormone imbalance causes them to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to become pregnant. PCOS also causes hair growth on the face and body and baldness.

After a thorough investigation by pulse and tongue diagnosis, condition of the disease is understood by the Acupuncturist .

The treatment will be given based on the disease’s chronicity and acuteness. In the first few sessions, positive changes in symptoms may be experienced and after several more sessions there are 90 to 100% chance that the patient be cured of the disease .This treatment will help in inducing sound sleep which will help and play a vital role in reversing this ailment. Simultaneously the patient will be advised on a diet and exercise regime.

What are the benefits of acupuncture for PCOS?

This is a drugless therapy and there are no side effects. During or after completing the course of treatment any form of medication if any can be stopped.

How many sessions do you need for PCOS?

It takes around 20 to 30 sessions in a period of 3 to 4 months.


Get your freedom from ailments using Acupuncture without side-effects!

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Gynec & Fertility Acupuncture

Irregular Periods



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Get your freedom from ailments using Acupuncture without side-effects! Our Specializations

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Gynec & Fertility Acupuncture

Irregular Periods



