Diabetes mellitus is a condition that tends to impair the body’s ability to process blood sugar, otherwise referred to as blood glucose. Due to this there is an elevation in the blood glucose levels. Without ongoing, careful management, diabetes can cause a buildup of sugars within the blood, which can increase the danger of dangerous complications, including stroke and heart disease.

Different sorts of diabetes can occur and managing the condition depends on the sort. Not all kinds of diabetes stem from an individual being overweight or leading an inactive lifestyle. In fact, some are present from childhood based on genes.However acupuncture acts as an alternative therapy and cure to treat diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes can develop at any age, though it often appears during childhood or adolescence. Type 2 diabetes, the more common type, can develop at any age, though it's more common in people older than 40.

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Different causes are associated with each kind of diabetes. 3 major diabetes types might develop, namely Type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

The less common kinds of diabetes would include monogenic diabetes and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.


Diabetes symptoms vary depending on how much your blood sugar is elevated. Some people, especially those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, may sometimes not experience symptoms. In type 1 diabetes, symptoms tend to come on quickly and be more severe.

Some of the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are:


Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, factors that may signal an increased risk include:

Researchers don't fully understand why some people develop prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and others don't. It's clear that certain factors increase the risk, however, including:

Pregnant women can develop gestational diabetes. Some women are at greater risk than are others. Risk factors for gestational diabetes include:


Long-term complications of diabetes develop gradually. The longer you have diabetes — and the less controlled your blood sugar — the higher the risk of complications. Eventually, diabetes complications may be disabling or even life-threatening. Possible complications include:

Complications in your baby can occur as a result of gestational diabetes, including:

Complications in the mother also can occur as a result of gestational diabetes, including:


Type 1 diabetes can't be prevented. However, the same healthy lifestyle choices that help treat prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes can also help prevent them:

Don't try to lose weight during pregnancy, however. Talk to your doctor about how much weight is healthy for you to gain during pregnancy.

To keep your weight in a healthy range, focus on permanent changes to your eating and exercise habits. Motivate yourself by remembering the benefits of losing weight, such as a healthier heart, more energy and improved self-esteem.

Sometimes medication is an option as well. Oral diabetes drugs such as metformin (Glumetza, Fortamet, others) may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes — but healthy lifestyle choices remain essential. Have your blood sugar checked at least once a year to check that you haven't developed type 2 diabetes.

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Anyone who has experienced the symptoms of diabetes or is in danger of possessing the disease should be tested. Women are routinely tested for gestational diabetes during their second or third trimester of pregnancy. Doctors might use the following blood tests to diagnose diabetes in order to provide therapies and remedies

The earlier you get diagnosed with diabetes, the earlier you'll start treatment.


Doctors treat diabetes with a variety of medications. A number of these drugs are generally taken orally, while others are available as injections. They act as the best remedies for diabetes.


Studies have suggested that acupuncture could help patients with diabetes by improving blood glucose levels, relieving the symptoms of neuropathy, a complication of diabetes and other similar conditions. In recent years, scientists are inventing methods in which acupuncture might impact the biological mechanism of diabetes to become an efficient treatment that provides relief and acts as one of the best remedies to treat diabetes.

Around the world, people often use acupuncture to treat diabetes. It is considered as the permanent treatment and offers the best remedies for diabetes. Scientists who are currently researching the benefits of acupuncture for diabetes prove that it might:



Looking for a best remedy to treat diabetes in Chennai, here’s why you should reach out to the best Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath from Dr.Bharath’s AcuHeal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As a certified acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience, having worked with several endocrinologists, Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath has seen Acupuncture doing wonders on people suffering from diabetes. The effectiveness rate increases several times just with one course of Acupuncture and it can help alleviate the symptoms, reduce the risk of other diseases of the endocrine system and helping patients get back to their normal routine at the earliest, by evaluating your condition and offering appropriate and permanent treatment. Most of the people swear by acupuncture, citing it as a ‘miracle’ to improving their quality of life, that focuses on various conditions of the endocrine system, which allows you to move, work and be active.

Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details on treating diabetes using Acupuncture, by contacting the top acupuncture clinic in Chennai.


To choose the Best doctor for Acupuncture, it's important that the Acupuncturist should have a decade of experience and treated at least 1000 to 2000 patients.

You can also search for the Best Acupuncture Doctor near me or ask your primary care physician to refer an experienced Acupuncturist nearby. Once you find the Best Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai, you may go through their google reviews first and then fix an appointment with the doctor only when you are satisfied with the reviews.

The Best Acupuncture Doctor should address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable before your first session. Acupuncture usually takes numerous sessions or several weeks to get a complete cure in any ailment but within 3 or 4 sessions the patients will experience positive differences.


There are numerous clinics popping up and it is sometimes skeptical to choose the best or even the safe one. To address such concerns, you can look into the following points to choose the best acupuncture clinic for treating diabetes. Acupuncture is also offered in hospital, pain clinics and by healthcare organizations but it is ideal to visit the best Acupuncture Clinic. If you are not sure, it would be a good idea to contact your local doctor to see if they would be prepared to refer to the best rated acupuncture clinics.Acupuncture is offered in top rated acupuncture clinics near me because conventional treatment has failed or produces unacceptable side effects. Most of the best acupuncture clinics will spell out very clearly what type of acupuncture they practice and how professional they are - at present anyone can set themselves up as an acupuncturist but reputable practitioners will belong to an organization. So while you are filtering the best clinics for acupuncture that treats diabetes, you can look out for these factors.Treatment without drugs for diabetes is possible through acupuncture and it gives the best result.

We have been rewarded a 5-star rating from Google & Practo. You can also check the reviews there.


Diabetes is a serious, chronic condition.Diabetes itself is manageable, its complications can severely impact on daily living, and some can be fatal if not treated immediately. Dial +91 9884746916 or Visit: to get the best treatment for diabetes.


Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes

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What are the services provided for diabetes by Dr. Bharath’s Acu Heal?

The Acupuncturist can understand the condition of the disease only after a thorough investigation by pulse and tongue diagnosis. Acupuncture treatment will be given based on the disease’s chronicity and acuteness. In the first few sessions, there will be a positive change in the symptoms and after several sessions, there will be an 80% to 95% chance that the patient will get cured of Diabetes. Simultaneously the patient will be advised on a diet with food restrictions and exercise regime which includes an induced sound sleep that plays a vital role in reversing the disease.

What are the benefits of acupuncture for diabetes?

This is a drugless therapy and so no side effects. During treatment, the previous medication can be tapered down gradually until the full course of treatment gets over.

How many sessions do you need for diabetes?

The Sessions may vary according to the diabetes history of the patients. Generally, it takes around 40 to 80 in a period of 5 to 10 months.


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