
Moxibustion, also called moxa treatment, is a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves burning Moxa in the form of a stick or cone made of mug wort (Artemisia Vulgaris) near Acupuncture points on the meridians. In this therapy, the dried plant materials, which are called the "moxa," are burnt near the surface of the skin. The aim of the Moxibustion is to invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel specific pathogenic influences.
It can be used to prevent diseases and maintain health as part of detoxification treatments to help strengthen the organs and immune system and thus use in anti-aging. It warms the meridians and expels cold.
Types of Moxibustion:
There are two types of Moxibustion:
- Direct Moxibustion
- Indirect Moxibustion
The original form of the Moxibustion is the direct Moxibustion. A moxa cone is placed on the acupuncture point. The Acupuncturist will light the cone and make it burn slowly till your skin begins to turn red. Once you feel the heat, the Acupuncturist will remove it.
The Moxa is also placed on the acupuncture needle and ignited. Until it's extinguished, it burns on the needle, and the heat travels through the needle.
Another form of Moxibustion is the indirect Moxibustion which is the most popular one. It is of lower risk of pain or burning because the Moxa doesn't touch your skin. The Acupuncturist will hold the burning Moxa above the skin until it turns red. Otherwise, the Acupuncturist will set the burning Moxa over a layer of ginger, garlic, or salt placed on the skin.
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Benefits of Moxibustion:
Moxibustion is an excellent technique to reduce cold conditions. The moxa herb penetrates deep inside the body, promoting circulation and relaxing the tense areas.
Some of the benefits of Moxibustion are:
- breech presentation
- cold and flu
- Fatigue
- Eczema
- Asthma
- Fertility
- urinary incontinence
- menstrual cramps
- stroke rehabilitation
- high blood pressure
Complications of Moxibustion:
One of the most significant disadvantages of Moxibustion is keeping the burnt Moxa on the skin. Sometimes it may cause itching to the skin. It's better to do indirect Moxibustion than direct because it leaves some space between the skin and the burning Moxa. Some of the Complications of Moxibustion are:
- nausea and vomiting
- sore throat or coughing from the smoke
- dark patches in the skin
- fetal distress and premature birth
But you need not be worried when it's performed by Experienced Acupuncturist Dr. Bharath's Acu Heal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As the best acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience and working with several doctors, Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath can do the perfect Moxibustion to heal many ailments. As the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai, he has witnessed Moxibustion doing wonders for people.
Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details on Moxibustion by contacting the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai.
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