Nasal polyps are fleshy swellings that develop in the lining of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the air-filled spaces that are linked to the nasal cavity. They are non-cancerous growths.They form from mucous membranes — thin, soft tissue that lines these body parts.Nasal polyps can get irritated and swollen,partially blocking the nasal passages and sinuses that causes breathing difficulties,frequent infection and can affect the patient's sense of smell.

Polyps vary in size; they may be yellowish-brown or pink and are shaped like teardrops or grapes.Polyps may grow in one or both nostrils at the same time; they can grow on their own or in clusters.

Individuals with asthma, frequent sinus infections, and allergies are more likely to develop them. Some children with cystic fibrosis may develop nasal polyps.

They result from chronic inflammation and are associated with asthma, recurring infection, allergies, drug sensitivity or certain immune disorders.

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Common signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps include:


During an infection or allergy-induced irritation, the nasal mucosa becomes swollen and red, and it may produce fluid that drips out. With prolonged irritation, the mucosa may form a polyp. Although some people can develop polyps with no previous nasal problems, there’s often a trigger for developing polyps. These triggers include:

There may be a hereditary tendency for some people to develop polyps. This may be due to the way their genes cause their mucosa to react to inflammation.


Any condition that triggers long-term irritation and swelling (inflammation) in your nasal passages or sinuses, such as infections or allergies, may increase your risk of developing nasal polyps.

Conditions often associated with nasal polyps include:

Your family history also may play a role. There's some evidence that certain genetic variations associated with immune system function make you more likely to develop nasal polyps.

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Nasal polyps can cause complications because they block normal airflow and fluid drainage, and also because of the long-term irritation and swelling (inflammation) underlying their development.

Potential complications include:


You may help reduce your chances of developing nasal polyps or having nasal polyps recur after treatment with the following strategies:


A doctor will generally be able to make a diagnosis after asking about symptoms and examining the patient’s nose. Often polyps are visible with the aid of a lighted instrument.

The doctor may also order the following tests:


The following treatments are commonly used for nasal polyps:

1) Steroids Spray-The doctor may prescribe a steroid spray or nose drops, which will shrink the polyps by reducing inflammation. This treatment is more common for patients with one or more small polyps.

2) Steroid tablets-In cases of larger polyps or more severe inflammation, the patient may be prescribed steroid tablets; either on their own or to be taken along with a nasal spray.

3) Other medications-Other medications may be given to treat conditions that are making the inflammation worse. Examples include antihistamines for allergies, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and antifungal drugs for fungal allergies.

4) Surgery-Surgery is only used if the polyps are very large, or if the patient has not responded well to other treatments.


This is the most common procedure for the removal of polyps. The patient is given either a local or general anesthetic. A long, thin tube with a video camera is inserted into the patient’s nose and sinuses

Polyps are then cut out using micro-telescopes and surgical instruments. Sometimes, the surgeon may remove small pieces of bone from the nose to open up the nasal passageway.

After surgery, the patient will most likely be prescribed a corticosteroid nasal spray to help prevent recurrence. Some doctors recommend the use of a saline (saltwater) rinse to help post-surgical healing.


Acupuncture is very effective in treating nasal polyps, at least in the long-term, and is safe and well tolerated.Many people don’t respond well to drugs prescribed to nasal polyps, so acupuncture is a good alternative.According to a research conducted,three months after starting acupuncture treatment, nasal polyps sufferers experienced significantly saw the reduction in size of the polyps than those receiving routine care or treatment with drugs.

Systematic reviews also showed that acupuncture was safe and well tolerated comparatively. Overall, people receiving acupuncture reported fewer side effects than those receiving drugs. Many people don't respond well to the drugs prescribed, hence to remove nasal polyps in their case, acupuncture may be a good alternative.


In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), your health depends on the flow of qi (energy) in your body. This energy travels along invisible pathways, known as meridians. These are found throughout your body.Qi is believed to help keep your body in balance and promote its natural ability to heal itself. A blocked or disrupted flow of qi can negatively impact physical and emotional well-being

During an acupuncture session, very thin needles are inserted into your skin to stimulate certain points, based on the symptoms you’re addressing. This stimulation, according to TCM, helps to clear blockages along your meridians, restoring the flow of qi through your body. Acupuncture can be used to remove nasal polyps with few sessions with no side effects


Looking for the best relief for nasal polyps in Chennai, here’s why you should reach out to the expert Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath from the best rated clinic Dr.Bharath’s Acu Heal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As a best acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience, and having worked with several otolaryngologists, Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath can create the treatment plan for the best cure for nasal polyps to manage the condition that's tailored to your needs, which can break a cycle of long-lasting difficulty in breathing. As the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai he has witnessed acupuncture doing wonders for people suffering from nasal polyps. The effectiveness rate increases several times just with one course of Acupuncture. So, take some time to find the right pain management and best remedy for acupuncture approach that suits you. Most of the people swear by acupuncture, citing it as a best cure and a ‘miracle’ to improving their quality of life. To contact the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai, Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details.


To choose the Best doctor for Acupuncture, it's important that the Acupuncturist should have a decade of experience and treated at least 1000 to 2000 patients.

You can also search for the Best Acupuncture Doctor near me or ask your primary care physician to refer an experienced Acupuncturist nearby. Once you find the Best Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai, you may go through their google reviews first and then fix an appointment with the doctor only when you are satisfied with the reviews.

The Best Acupuncture Doctor should address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable before your first session. Acupuncture usually takes numerous sessions or several weeks to get a complete cure in any ailment but within 3 or 4 sessions the patients will experience positive differences.


There are numerous clinics popping up and it is sometimes skeptical to choose the best or even the safe one. To address such concerns, you can look into the following points to choose the best acupuncture clinic for treating nasal polyps. Acupuncture is also offered in hospital, pain clinics and by healthcare organizations but it is ideal to visit the best Acupuncture Clinic. If you are not sure, it would be a good idea to contact your local doctor to see if they would be prepared to refer to the best rated acupuncture clinics.Acupuncture is offered in top rated acupuncture clinics near me because conventional treatment has failed or produces unacceptable side effects. Most of the best acupuncture clinics will spell out very clearly what type of acupuncture they practice and how professional they are - at present anyone can set themselves up as an acupuncturist but reputable practitioners will belong to an organization. So while you are filtering the best clinics for acupuncture that treats nasal polyps, you can look out for these factors.Treatment without drugs or surgery for nasal polyps is possible through acupuncture and it gives the best result.

We have been rewarded a 5-star rating from Google & Practo. You can also check the reviews there.


Nasal polyps can affect anyone, but they're more common in adults.Treatments can often shrink or eliminate nasal polyps, Even after successful treatment, nasal polyps often return. Irreversible treatment for nasal polyps without any side effects is possible through acupuncture treatment, dial +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details.


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What are the services provided for nasal polyps by Dr. Bharath’s Acu Heal?

Nasal polyps are fleshy swellings that develop in the lining of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the air-filled spaces that are linked to the nasal cavity. They are non-cancerous growths. They form from mucous membranes — thin, soft tissue that lines these body parts. Nasal polyps can get irritated and swollen, partially blocking the nasal passages and sinuses that causes breathing difficulties, frequent infection and can affect the patient's sense of smell.

The treatment will be given based on the disease’s chronicity and acuteness. In the first few sessions, positive changes in symptoms may be experienced and after several more sessions there are 90 to 100% chance that the patient be cured of the disease .

What are the benefits of acupuncture for nasal polyps?

This is a drugless therapy and there are no side effects. During or after completing the course of treatment any form of medication can be stopped.

How many sessions do you need for nasal polyps?

It takes around 30 to 40 sessions in a period of 4 to 5 months.


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