Conditions that affect digestion or cause pain or discomfort in the abdomen are often perceived and described as stomach problems, although the stomach may not always be involved. Most stomach problems are related to the digestive tract, although symptoms may also be due to conditions of the body wall, blood vessels, urinary tract, reproductive organs, or organs of the chest.
When pain is present, stomach problems may be due to the organs near the site of the pain, such as the stomach or gallbladder in the upper abdomen, or the appendix in the lower abdomen. Generalized stomach problems may be associated with diet, infection or inflammation. In women, stomach problems may be related to the menstrual cycle or to infection or other conditions of the reproductive organs.
Stomach problems are not all that uncommon. In most cases, it is clearly related to something you either ate (such as with food poisoning), caught (like the stomach flu), or experienced routinely (such as gastritis). At other times, it can seem as though it appears out of the blue or after taking medication.
Stomach problems may accompany other symptoms affecting the digestive system including:
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Abdominal swelling, distension or bloating
- Belching
- Bloody stool (blood may be red, black, or tarry in texture)
- Changes in bowel movements
- Constipation
- Cramping
- Diarrhea
- Gas
- Indigestion
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Urgent need to pass stool
- Vomiting blood, rectal bleeding, or bloody stool
Stomach problems may accompany symptoms related to other body systems including:
- Cough
- Enlarged liver and glands such as the spleen and lymph nodes
- Fever
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Pain or burning with urination
- Pain, numbness or tingling
- Palpable mass in the abdomen or pelvic area
- Rash
- Unexplained weight loss
Stomach problems may be caused by conditions of the digestive tract including:
- Bacterial, parasitic or viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract
- Celiac disease (severe sensitivity to gluten from wheat and other grains that causes intestinal damage)
- Diverticulitis (inflammation of an abnormal pocket in the colon)
- Food intolerance such as lactose intolerance (inability to digest lactose, the sugar in dairy products)
- Gallbladder disease or stones
- Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining)
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Inflammatory bowel disease (includes Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis)
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS; digestive discomfort that does not cause intestinal damage or serious disease)
- Liver disease, including hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
- Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
- Ulcers of the stomach or duodenum (first section of the small intestine) Stomach
Stomach problems can also be caused by conditions involving other body systems including:
- Abdominal or hiatal hernia (weakening in the abdominal wall or diaphragm, through which internal organs can pass)
- Cancer of an abdominal or pelvic organ
- Endometriosis (condition where tissues resembling the uterine lining grow in other areas of the body)
- Kidney stones
- Menstrual cramps
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID; infection of a woman’s reproductive organs)
- Pleurisy (inflammation of the lining around the lungs)
- Pneumonia
- Shingles (painful, blistering rash that results from a reactivation of the varicella-zoster, or chickenpox, virus)
- Urinary tract infection
In some cases, stomach problems may be a symptom of a serious or life-threatening condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. These include:
- Abdominal abscess
- Abdominal, pelvic or testicular trauma
- Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta (life-threatening bulging and weakening of the wall of the abdominal aorta that can burst and cause severe hemorrhage)
- Appendicitis
- Bowel obstruction or perforation
- Chemical or heavy metal poisoning
- Colonic volvulus (twisting of the colon) or intussusception (telescoping of the intestines into themselves)
- Ectopic pregnancy (life-threatening pregnancy growing outside the uterus)
- Intestinal ischemia (loss of blood supply to the intestines leading to death of intestinal tissue)
- Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
- Peritonitis (infection of the lining that surrounds the abdomen)
- Torsion of an ovary or a testicle (twisting of an ovary or spermatic cord)
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Stomach problems can be due to serious diseases, failure to seek treatment can result in serious complications and permanent damage. Once the underlying cause is diagnosed, it is important for you to follow the treatment plan to reduce the risk of potential complications including:
- Bowel infarction (severe injury to an area of the bowel due to decreased blood supply)
- Infertility
- Internal hemorrhage
- Intestinal obstruction and rupture of the intestinal wall
- Organ failure or dysfunction
- Ruptured appendix
- Spread of cancer
- Spread of infection
To reduce the risk of stomach problems, you can:
- Maintain a healthy weight. If you're overweight or obese, talk to your doctor about strategies to help you lose weight. Aim for a slow and steady weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week.
- Choose a diet full of fruits and vegetables. Try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet each day. Choose a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
- Reduce the amount of salty and smoked foods you eat. Protect your stomach by limiting these foods.
- Stop smoking and alcohol. If you smoke and drink, quit. Smoking and drinking increases your risk of stomach cancer and other stomach problems.
- Drinking plenty of water on a regular basis and eating a balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
- Exercising regularly
- Getting screening exams for colon polyps and colon cancer
- Treating and controlling chronic conditions
If you are concerned about a specific condition, your doctor can help you understand your risk and what to do about it.
- Blood Tests
- liver function
- bilirubin blood test
- An antibody blood test called IgA tissue transglutaminase
- Complete blood count and inflammatory markers, like C-reactive protein (CRP)
- Pancreatic enzymes (amylase and lipase)
- Imaging
- abdominal ultrasound
- computed tomography (CT) scan.
- Barium Swallow
- Upper Endoscopy
- electrocardiogram,
- exercise stress test
The barium swallow test is an X-ray imaging test sometimes used to evaluate disorders of swallowing, stomach ulcers, and hiatal hernia.
During an upper endoscopy, while you are sedated, a gastroenterologist inserts a long tube with a camera attached to it into your mouth and down through your esophagus into your stomach.Not only can your doctor visualize the inside of your upper digestive tract and look for abnormalities, but he can also use surgical tools passed through the tube to take tissue samples (biopsy).
As you probably expect, the treatment of stomach pain depends on the underlying diagnosis.
1.Lifestyle Treatment Options
Several lifestyle modifications may help manage your condition. For example, in the case of celiac disease, a strictly gluten-free diet is essential to treatment, just as restricting lactose (milk products) ingestion is how most people manage lactose intolerance.
Treating GERD may require several lifestyle changes, such as:
- Losing weight if you are overweight or recently gained weight
- Elevating the head of your bed (for example, placing a foam wedge underneath the top of the mattress)
- Avoiding meals two to three hours before going to bed
Lifestyle behaviors are also at the crux of treating constipation. They include:
- Eating foods high in fiber, such as prunes and breakfast cereals
- Drinking six to eight glasses of water per day
- Engaging in daily physical activity
2. Medications
Some gastrointestinal-related conditions can be managed with over-the-counter or prescription medications.
- Acid-Reducing Medications
- Laxatives
- Antibiotics
- Steroids and Immunosuppressants
- IBS Medications-Treatment of IBS is complex and may entail taking one or more medications, depending on a person's unique symptoms. While not an exhaustive list, some medications used to ease the symptoms of IBS include:
- Anti-diarrheal drugs like Imodium (loperamide)
- Anti-constipation drugs like Miralax (polyethylene glycol)
- Antispasmodics like Bentyl (dicyclomine)
- Tricyclic antidepressants like Elavil (amitriptyline)
While surgery is the first-line treatment for some gastrointestinal conditions, such as appendicitis, symptomatic gallstones, and abdominal wall hernias, it may be the last resort option for other gastrointestinal problems. Surgery may also be indicated for complications that occur as a result of a gastrointestinal condition—for instance, a perforated peptic ulcer (when a hole forms in the stomach or small intestines) or abscess formation in acute diverticulitis.
Acupuncture for stomach problems is a safe and effective way to naturally treat many acute and chronic conditions of the digestive system. If you've tried conventional medicine to keep digestive problems in check without success, consider acupuncture, which is a holistic health treatment without side effects. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), stomach problems can be due to dysfunctions of stomach, spleen, and Liver. Treatment via acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes, patients are able to reduce stomach pain, digest better and be able to have normal elimination of the bowels.
Using acupuncture for stomach problems works by nourishing related organs, reducing inflammation of the stomach and pancreas and improving digestive functions. During the treatment, the practitioner will identify certain acupuncture points on the body, typically those that speed up metabolism, increase gastrointestinal muscle contraction and relaxation, reduce gastric acid secretion, regulate small and large intestine function, and restores stomach acidity to normal levels.
In conjunction with stress reduction techniques, acupuncture for digestive problems is beneficial in the treatment of general gastrointestinal symptoms.Certain acupuncture points may also be utilized as anti-inflammatory points and to tonify imbalances. Individuals often experience long-term symptomatic relief with acupuncture for digestive problems, as well as decreased stress and improved energy.
Acupuncture for stomach problems may integrate recommendations for diet and lifestyle modifications in order to correct dietary imbalances and regulate digestion. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture for digestive problems as an effective treatment for digestive imbalance.
Looking for the best relief for stomach problems in Chennai, here’s why you should reach out to the expert Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath from the best rated clinic Dr.Bharath’s Acu Heal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As a best acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience, Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath can create the treatment plan for the best cure for erectile dysfunction to manage the condition that's tailored to your needs. As the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai he has witnessed acupuncture doing wonders for people suffering from stomach problems. The effectiveness rate increases several times just with one course of Acupuncture. So, take some time to find the right pain management and best remedy for acupuncture approach that suits you. Most of the people swear by acupuncture, citing it as a best cure and a ‘miracle’ to improving their quality of life. To contact the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai, Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details.
To choose the Best doctor for Acupuncture, it's important that the Acupuncturist should have a decade of experience and treated at least 1000 to 2000 patients.
You can also search for the Best Acupuncture Doctor near me or ask your primary care physician to refer an experienced Acupuncturist nearby. Once you find the Best Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai, you may go through their google reviews first and then fix an appointment with the doctor only when you are satisfied with the reviews.
The Best Acupuncture Doctor should address your concerns and help you feel more comfortable before your first session. Acupuncture usually takes numerous sessions or several weeks to get a complete cure in any ailment but within 3 or 4 sessions the patients will experience positive differences.
There are numerous clinics popping up and it is sometimes skeptical to choose the best or even the safe one. To address such concerns, you can look into the following points to choose the best acupuncture clinic for treating stomach problems. Acupuncture is also offered in hospital, pain clinics and by healthcare organizations but it is ideal to visit the best Acupuncture Clinic. If you are not sure, it would be a good idea to contact your local doctor to see if they would be prepared to refer to the best rated acupuncture clinics.Acupuncture is offered in top rated acupuncture clinics near me because conventional treatment has failed or produces unacceptable side effects. Most of the best acupuncture clinics will spell out very clearly what type of acupuncture they practice and how professional they are - at present anyone can set themselves up as an acupuncturist but reputable practitioners will belong to an organization. So while you are filtering the best clinics for acupuncture that treats stomach problems or erectile dysfunction, you can look out for these factors. Treatment without drugs for stomach problems is possible through acupuncture and it gives the best result.
We have been rewarded a 5-star rating from Google & Practo. You can also check the reviews there.
When a stomach problem develops fast and furiously, it's natural for your mind to go to the worst possible cause. More often than not, there will be less of a troubling explanation, although it may require chronic treatment,acupuncture will give the best remedy without any side effects.Dial +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details.
- Li DD, Yue ZH, Chao XL, Xie T, Hu GZ, Yang J. (2014). Evaluation of Long Term Effect of Electroacupuncture on Patients with Functional Dyspepsia. Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 30 (2).
- Feng GX, Zhu Y, Jiang FD. (2004). The efficacy of conventional and auricular Acupuncture in treating Functional Dyspepsia (35 cases). Journal of Modern Chinese Medicine. 36(1): 48-49.
- Li YY. The effect of acupuncture on gastric acid secretion. (1991). Chinese Journal of Digestion. (6): 358.
- Hong Feng. Observations on the Efficacy of Electroacupuncture at Points Gongsun and Neiguan in Treating Functional Dyspepsia[J]. Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 2016.
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What are the services provided for stomach problems by Dr. Bharath’s Acu Heal?
Conditions that affect digestion or cause pain or discomfort in the abdomen are often perceived and described as stomach problems, although the stomach may not always be involved. Most stomach problems are related to the digestive tract, although symptoms may also be due to conditions of the body wall, blood vessels, urinary tract, reproductive organs, or organs of the chest. The symptoms may be abdominal pain or cramping, abdominal swelling, distension or bloating, belching, bloody stool (blood may be red, black, or tarry in texture),changes in bowel movements, constipation, cramping, diarrhoea, gas, indigestion, nausea with or without vomiting, urgent need to pass stool, vomiting blood, rectal bleeding, or bloody stool.
After a thorough investigation by pulse and tongue diagnosis, condition of the disease is understood by the Acupuncturist .
The treatment will be given based on the disease’s chronicity and acuteness. In the first few sessions, positive changes in symptoms may be experienced and after several more sessions there are 90 to 100% chance that the patient be cured of the disease.
This treatment will help in inducing sound sleep which will help and play a vital role in reversing this ailment. Simultaneously the patient will be advised on a diet and exercise regime.
What are the benefits of acupuncture for stomach problems?
This is a drugless therapy and there are no side effects. During or after completing the course of treatment any form of medication if any can be stopped.
How many sessions do you need for stomach problems?
It takes around 25 to 35 sessions in a period of 3 to 4 months.