Electro Acupuncture
Electro acupuncture
The Modern Variation of Acupuncture is Electro acupuncture. It is also known as Electrical Stimulation Therapy. Electricity is used here to enhance the benefits of the treatment. The most significant advantage is that it covers a larger area of the body than acupuncture. A small electrode is attached along with the needles where the electricity runs by passing a soft vibration during the treatment. Electro acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of ailments.
Electro acupuncture Treatment
After a thorough investigation, the Acupuncturist will analyse the symptoms post which, two needles are inserted in two different acupuncture points with the electrodes connected to a device that passes the electricity to the needles. Once attached, the device will be turned on keeping a low voltage and frequency. During the treatment, the Acupuncturist will adjust the voltage and frequency. This session lasts between 10 to 20 minutes.
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Benefits of Electro acupuncture treatment
Electro acupuncture is the best treatment for chronic pain and stress. While and after Electro acupuncture session, the sympathetic nerve fibres of the patient get activated, releasing the endogenous opioids like endorphins which helps in the reduction of inflammation. Electro acupuncture also helps to block the pain by activating the bioactive chemicals and decreasing the pain sensitivity.
Also, during the treatment, your body releases mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into your bloodstream, which creates different types of tissues. They also have a great healing power.
Conditions treated by Electro acupuncture
Electro acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of ailments. Some of the conditions treated by Electro acupuncture are:
- Arthritis
- High Blood Pressure
- Neurological diseases
- Chronic pain
- Muscle spasms
- Paralysis
- Sprains & Back Pain
- Infertility
- Skin Conditions
- Chemotherapy-related nausea
Complications of Electro acupuncture
Electro acupuncture is a safe treatment, and the negative impacts are low, but sometimes it can cause:
- Hypotension
- Dizziness
- Mild Nausea
- Light bleeding
- Bruising or infection at the needle site
But you need not be worried when it’s performed by Experienced Acupuncturist Dr. Bharath’s Acu Heal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As the best acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience and working with several doctors, Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath can do the perfect Electroacupuncture. As the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai, he has witnessed Electroacupuncture doing wonders for people.
Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: drbharathsacuheal.com for more details on Electroacupuncture by contacting the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai.
Things to keep in mind before taking an Electro acupuncture
Since Electroacupuncture uses electricity in the body, it is not recommended to the people who have the following history:
- Pregnant people
- Heart disease
- Seizures
- Strokes
- Epilepsy
Before taking the treatment, talk to your Acupuncturist and make sure this treatment is proper for you.
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