Needling (Acupuncture) is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where the thin needles are inserted into your body at a few specific points. It is the best alternative treatment for pain management and usually to treat myofascial pain. It improves Tissue Healing and Restores Muscle Function. Our Muscles develop a knotted area called the trigger points, which are painful and sensitive. The Needling treatment helps the knot to get released and relieve the spasms.
Needling treatment
After a thorough investigation, the Acupuncturist will identify the trigger points and insert the needles to various depths. With these thin needles you will feel a slight pricking sensation when it reaches the depth. During the treatment, the Acupuncturist will gently move the needles or apply an electrical pulse to the needle. The therapy lasts for 10 to 20 minutes.
Conditions treated by Needling treatment:
Needling treatment is used to treat several ailments, mainly pains, including:
- Labor pain
- Low back pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Migraines
- Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Menstrual cramps
- Depression
- Spinal Dysfunction
- Respiratory disorders
- Smoking cessation
Benefits of Needling treatment:
Needling guarantees you instant relief from all pains and eradicates the root cause for all the diseases. Some of the benefits of Needling treatment are:
- Increases the blood flow of the body
- Prevents and cures diseases
- Accelerates your body’s natural healing processes
- Restoration of your mind and body health
- Detox your body
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Complications of the Needling treatment:
Needling is a safe treatment when the Acupuncturist uses disposable and sterile needles. Some of the Potential complications of Needling treatment are:
- Soreness
- Minor bleeding
- Bruising
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Skin rashes
But you need not be worried when it’s performed by Experienced Acupuncturist Dr.Bharath’s Acu Heal. He is currently treating patients for a wide range of conditions. As the best acupuncture practitioner with 15 years of experience and working with several doctors, Acupuncturist. A. Shaji Bharath can do the perfect Needling treatment. As the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai, he has witnessed needling treatment doing wonders for people.
The bruises can last up to 3 to 4 days. It is expected that over several weeks of repeated needling treatments, the bruising will decrease, and it indicates a successful result of needling treatment.
Dial: +91 9884746916 or Visit: for more details on Needling treatment by contacting the top acupuncture doctor in Chennai.
Things to keep in my mind before taking a Needling treatment:
The people under these conditions should avoid needling treatment:
- Pregnancy
- Varicose veins
- Acute inflammation
- Tumours
- Abnormal Bleeding
- Vascular Disease
- Epilepsy
- Children
- Diabetes
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